
Nostalgia isn't just for the "old."

I mean, who isn't feeling nostalgic these days for life before Covid-19? Or how about a time when mass shootings weren't so dishearteningly commonplace? Or children didn't live their lives, heads down, eyes fixed on their devices?

For me, nostalgia is definitely age-related. I am reminded every day of just how old I am. I drive a student van, and my monitor is 20. The movies and music I love are completely unknown to him. I might as well ask him what he thinks of dinosaurs.

But that's OK. One great thing about aging - speaking for myself - is that you see more and more of the total picture, and your life becomes less linear and more full.

My nostalgia isn't sad; it's not about loss. I haven't been a child in a long, long time, and I wouldn't want to be. But there is something about pictures from that time, objects from that time, music from that time, that are kind of like a comfy blanket I like to curl up in sometimes.

This blog isn't heavy. It isn't stone-ground whole grain; it's squishy white bread with the crust cut off. 

I plan on posting twice a week, at least to start, so check back regularly for more retro goodness. =D

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